90% of browsing happens on mobile devices! Where it is not enough to have a perfectly responsive site, then an app must be created!
In Italy there are more than 57,000,000 smartphones, an ever growing market. The mobile app market is already huge, and its growth continues at an impressive rate.
What are the biggest benefits of mobile apps for business?
There are multiple benefits to building and deploying a mobile app.
Trust the customer
Mobile apps work to steadily increase customer retention, especially in the retail sector.
Strengthen your Brand
Mobile apps offer the unique opportunity to strengthen your brand through a new channel. Through the mobile apps, customers are encouraged to download the free branded version, where they can tailor preferences to suit their specific needs.
Increase your Visibility
In 2022, there were over 60 billion mobile app downloads on the Apple Store.
Increase your accessibility
Smartphone and tablet users are constantly on the go; that means they don't always have the time to access a mobile website. And these mobile websites are designed to be readable and for navigation, NOT for process management. Mobile apps allow users to have easy and functional access to the information, products, services and processes they need in real time and are optimized for hands-on interaction.
Increase sell-through
Recent analysis suggests that mobile app users spend more time on a company's mobile app than on the company's mobile website.
As we continue to evolve into a mobile-centric society, it's no surprise that mobile apps are at the heart of the development drive. Developing a mobile app can go a long way in propelling your business into the hands of new customers and future business success.
We are able to create any app for IOS and Android systems: Tourism, Food, Branding, E-commerce, GeoLoc and much more...